Church of Harmony
609 Arizonia Street
Silver City, NM
3:30 to 5:00 pm
No class after the third Sunday of the month.
Class dates: Monday
January 6, 13,27
February 3,10,24
March 3,10,24
During this time of coronavirus we need to boost our endorphins! I usually attend group exercise classes twice a week, so was really missing the endorphins. Endorphins are chemicals released by the pituitary gland that help us deal with pain and trigger positive feelings. They are released with exercise, meditation, and listening to music.
Need some new music to stimulate well being? Try Earl Klug, Shakti Deva, Kitaro, David Arkenstone, Adreas Vallenweider, Peter Kater, Otmar Liebert, and Marisa (cosmic chants on you tube, the most beautiful female voice I have ever heard!). My daughter gave me Spotify and I love it. It has many more artists than Pandora.
Here are some helpful links.
I made a video geared especially for tension release.
Stretching the neck and shoulders link:
Chair aerobics can be very helpful. I like the toning exercises, but use only one pound weights.
Be very cautious with a new activity. Start out with 5 minute sessions, take a break and then do another 5 minutes. Be cleared by your doctor for exercise. If you have a lung condition, an oximeter is helpful to monitor your oxygen saturation. You want it to be near 88% or higher. If you google chair aerobics there are many classes to chose from. You have to find a teacher with a voice you like and music your enjoy.
You also can google chair yoga and come up with classes. Another resource is Amazon Prime. If you have watched movies on TV with Amazon you are familiar with it. Many people don't know that they also have Yoga and exercise classes. Just do a search for Yoga, or aerobics.
I will be adding some videos. I like videos with outdoor scenery, and they are hard to find. I think I got hooked on the outdoor scenery from watching Gilad's exercise program, shot on the beach in Hawaii.